domingo, 13 de enero de 2008


I´ve added a counter in my English Blog, in order to score my visitors, independently of my main spanish blog.
I hope the number of visitors will rise and consequently the quality of this blog too.
I´m going to start with more articles, giving plenty attention to English talkers, hoping the experience be satisfactory for all of spankos.
Since today a new era begins.
It´s time to The Spanker´s Office

1 comentarios:

abby williams dijo...

The wonderful thing about spanking is that it knows no boundaries, no language. You put up great pictures and I would enjoy your blog no matter what language it is in! I'm sorry you just recently went through a period of no spanking or blogging. I was there for a while too. Fortunately I've come back with a bang--I'm sure you will too!

Best wishes,