domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008

January Contest´s Winner

First of all I want to apologize for not posting for a month, but duties were imperious, and I hadn´t enough free-time for spanking and ultimately for the blog either.
I wanna introduce you a new Spankee of the month Contest, now with the results of January Contest, and introducing the aspirants for the next Contest.
It has been surprises because aspirant Kailee has winning by a landslide with Amber Pixie Wells with the 12% of the votes.
Finally it´s a pleasure for me to present the next month candidates:

1.- Kailee

2.- Amber Pixie Wells

3.- Amelia Jane Rutherford

4.-Rosaleen Young

5.- Samantha Woodley

6.- Sarah, Realspankings

7.- Chloe Elise

8.-Sierra Salem

9.- Amy Denison

10.- Debbie Nuwest

11.- MAO from

12.- Anastasia Pierce

13.- Clare Fonda

14.- Alice Wonder

15.- Annabelle Lee

16.- Annie GBS

17.- Heather Smith

18.- Kathy, Realspankings

19.- Lisa GBS

20.-Linda GBS

21.- Juliet Valentine

You can vote in this post or in the poll placed in the left tool bar.
My best regards