domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

Spanking orgasm

Recently I have read on an english yahoo group this article that I consider very interesting.
I hope you read it carefully, and may extract a beautiful experience with your spanking couple.

There is a lot to be learned about this subject, but I would say that when my objective is to give the woman I am spanking an orgasm, I am successful over 95% of the time.

Since I feel that this is an important subject, let me share with you some of my insights which each of you may decide to incorporate or not depending upon your own preferences and the situations that you find yourself within.

The first step is setting the mood. The spankee must feel completely comfortable with you. Any fear that they she may have should only be fears that can be quickly mitigated during the spanking. The spankee should be completely confident in you and feel that you know what you are doing. Never say or do anything doing the build up to place any doubt in the spankee's mind, but instead, make them feel completely comfortable that you are in charge, that you are respectful, that you are there to enjoy the experience, and that you don't have a doubt in your mind what is going to happen.

Some spankee's want to role play or pretend that they are being placed into a particular set of circumstances. Attempt to pick up on this as quickly as possible and throw yourself into the appropriate role. Study anime relationships, Slave Girls of Gor, and read Janus or other magazines dedicated to understanding these roles.

Never ask but never command. Every step of the process should proceed with complete mutual respect. "You'll need to take those panties off as well" is 100 times more effective than, "Get your panties down now, bitch" (although in certain circumstance the latter is better).

Make use of extensive eye and body contact when placing the spankee over your lap or otherwise into the spanking position. Comfort the spankee with natural gestures, hugs, gently moving the face so she must stare into your eyes, ensuring that her body is well balanced over your knee, etc.

Once placed in the spanking position, rub the back, tell her how soft her hair is, admire her bottom, and do other things so that the spankee feels very special. Explain that this is going to be an erotic spanking. It is going to hurt a little in order to get you stimulated, but the hurt will quickly subside and you should move into a state of dreamy, blissful peace. If at any time, you feel uncomfortable to let you know as this is as much for your pleasure as it is for mine. If she should make a complaint, be very attentive, but very resolved that we need to get through the problem.

Note that some scenes require very little communications and others require quite a lot. Try to project yourself into the head of the spankee such that you can tell where her head is at throughout.

Don't spank too gently! She needs to feel it, but she doen't need to feel in pain. A smooth, moderately slow rhythm is needed.

Start by spanking all over the buttocks, but gradually move to focusing on the bottom of the buttocks and in the middle of the buttocks. Don't go too far down the legs. The spanks should transition from some initial sting to a totally stingless thud that can be felt throughout the spankees body. Place your non-spanking hand on the small of the back and manipulate the muscles there as they will be felt throughout the buttocks and well into the vagina.

If you do not have the spankee cumming after a few minute, politely ask if she would mind some light stimulation. Unless she disagrees, interupt the spanking and place two fingers into her vagina, hand down and stimulate her G-Spot (this is rarely required for most women who are into spanking, but it usually breaks the dam on the hard cases). Go back to spanking and alternate as needed.

Don't stop after the first orgasm. Make her cum a number of times until her body is shaking from the orgasms. Give her plenty of head space without interruptions so that she can truly enjoy the experience. Don't spank harder to add additional orgasms, but make it appear that you are doing so. Breath hard, appear to be fully exerting yourself, and appear to be about to cum yourself to enhance her experience.

Best regards,
Uncle Larry

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

Spanking in Videogames

I don´t know if exists a post that compiles Spanking in videogames in any Blog. Since I was child, I´m getting into playing videogames, from different platforms like primitive Spectrum, Atari, Master system, Mega Drive, PC (Dos and windows games), PS1, PS2, XBOX and XBOX360.
I don´t spend a lot of time playing, but when I find a good game, I can spend all of my free-time playing it.
So many years, and from an early age, have allow me to come with computing from its Stone Age to now. There are some games in which spanking appears, here you have:

  • God of Hand: Avalaible for Ps2. A Beat´Em Up Classic, this means you need to fight with all people bump into. But this game is particularly special, we can spank our opponent
  • 7 Sins: An spicy game for PS2 and PC. The main aim of this game is to get people make love with you, get a spanking, or take her or him to the dungeon. We can choose a lot of characters and there are some interested in spanking.
  • Larry: Leisure City Magna Cum Laude 8. A good old classic game. The last edition have a lot of features, including spanking. At the university we´ll meet a lot of girls, and of course some spankees...
I have only found one video, but at least there are two spankees more. Here you can watch their photos.
Sally Mae, a young farm girl. She looks like as a country singer. She loves the paddle and OTK spankings



  • The Spanking Machine: This a good recreational machine, which allows us to spank people who make our life miserable. If virtual spanking exists, must be this machine. We can choose between 8 characters
  • Tales of Symphonia: we can´t interactuate in this game
  • Smackdown VS raw: An amazing wrestle game. Like in a real life, it´s possible to spank the opponent
  • Finally, this game is not created yet, but game great master Hideo Kojima, esencially creator of the Metal Gear saga, seems to want developing a spanking simulator for DS. Here you can read the New

martes, 9 de octubre de 2007

Spankee´s Olympus

"As you look pretty, you are going to be arrogant"This is a phrase extracted to a spanish rumba song by "Los chichos.
They didn´t know what happen to arrogant spankees: their haughtiness bring them a journey to spanker´s knees.
I was really lazy these latest days, but today I feel more active.
I want to dedicate this post to spankees, who make this game possible, and of course those who have became in part of my erotic legend.
I have seen lot of spankees, but only these ten, are into my Spankee´s Olympus. I have the pleasure to introduce you to:

Debbie: She was the first spankee I remember, I was catched by her photoseries and minimovies recorded in 8mm. It was a pity she withdrawed from spanking scene in 1984 . Today, it´s possible seing pictures of her. She shooted for Nu-West Leda

Rosaleen Young
: One of those marvellous spankees, and probably one of the few who seems to enjoy filming videos. It seems that she´s retired fro the scene. There are a lot of spankos, including me, who will be happy if she returns. She shooted films for FirmHand and Spanking Online

Samantha Woodley
: The most beauty spankee in the scene to me, now. She´s an enthusiast fan of OTK spankings, and doesn´t disdain using implements. She´s beautiful. She´s adorable, isn´t she? You can find her in Firmhand, Shadow Lane, Dallas Spanks Hard, etc

: AA gal who seems to be a hard woman, she doesn´t gesticulate usually, but of course her soberby increases the power of spankings she receive. You may watch her at Realspankings and its synergy. She also shoot videos for GBS under a pseudonymous, Christine

Annabel Lee
:OAnother beautiful Spankee who come down by the hand of Clare . You can find her in Clare Fonda´s spanking sites.

Amy Denison
: She´s a great spankee, who never shows her bottom completely. She always covers it with a thong, in her own words, because nobody must see what she has between her legs. Will the reason that makes her videos interesting be? I believe that everyone hope she drop her panties sometimes. She has only work for FirmHand

Clare Fonda: Is not only her attractive maturity, neither being an excellent swith, nor being a producer of 3 companies, nor nor bringing up the most beautiful spankees, she´s simply one of the greatest starlets in the spanking scene
She´s is the boss of a synergy of 3 companies. Previously She has worked with Chelsea Pfeiffer and Shadow Lane. She also shooted for The Spanking Couple

As Spankee

As spanker

Alice Wonder: One of the newest girls of Clare Fonda´s spankees factory. She starred the "Gone with the wind" spanking movie, Exclusive Education 1
The second part of this movie is also avalaible now

Annie (GBS): A pleasant red-head who´s a classic spankee of Girls Boarding School . I like very much her child attitude

And Finally I leave the spankee number ten, at your own choice. No matter if you don´t know her name, Post a link of her photo, and I try to say to you her name.
My best regards to all of you